Small Package Service

2024 CHRISTMAS PACKAGE deliveries completed in the week prior to Christmas

Less-than-container load shipments to Riga: next cut-offs:  February 7, 2025. 
Your name / company
c/o Latvian American Shipping Line
309 Emmet St,
NEWARK, NJ 07114

Air cargo to Rīga: next shipment cut-off: February 5th at noon:   please call (973) 744-6565 x. 1006

Please call (973) 744-6565 x. 1006 for updated information.

           Full container shipments to Rīga and other ports: as needed. Please call!                                  

                                                Air cargo and ocean shipments to Tallinn: on demand.

AID to UKRAINE: please see small package service page for info on items needed and costs for shipping.

Our next aid shipment: will publish soon! Air cargo shipments: please contact us!


2024 CHRISTMAS PACKAGE deliveries completed in the week prior to Christmas

Less-than-container load shipments to Riga: next cut-offs:  February 7, 2025. 
Your name / company
c/o Latvian American Shipping Line
309 Emmet St, 
NEWARK, NJ 07114

Air cargo to Rīga: next shipment cut-off: February 19th at noon:   please call (973) 744-6565 x. 1006

Please call (973) 744-6565 x. 1006 for updated information.

           Full container shipments to Rīga and other ports: as needed. Please call!

Air cargo and ocean shipments to Tallinn: on demand.

AID to UKRAINE: please see small package service page for info on items needed and costs for shipping.

Our next aid shipment: will publish soon! Air cargo shipments: please contact us!


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(currently in Latvian only)

Pieteikties LASL paku e-pastiem!

LASL small package service to Latvia: guidelines, restrictions, summary            

2024 AUTUMN/CHRISTMAS package collection schedule: see schedule page

AID TO UKRAINE shipments: please see bottom of page

Please call 973 744 6565, ext 5 for additional information.


OVERVIEW: Since 1991 Latvian American Shipping Line (LASL) has provided a small package service from the United States to Latvia. Please note: Since May of 2004 Latvia has been a member of the European Union, and abides by customs regulations established by the EU. In October 2021 we again had to adjust our package guidelines and regulations so that we work within the parameters of LV/EU customs regulations, and are thus able to provide you with efficient and speedy service.

We accept personal packages for individuals in Latvia up to 150 euro, approx 167 USD, (Sept, 2024)). Packages may be delivered to us personally or sent by UPS or the U.S. Postal Service to our Montclair office or Jersey City warehouse. We also collect packages at Latvian centers throughout the Midwest, and along the eastern seaboard twice a year:in Spring and October/November, and in Seattle/Portland and SFO on an as-needed schedule.

Please see our schedule for the next package dates and locations. Delivery of your package in Latvia will be approximately 5 weeks from the drop-off date, barring unforseen and sudden changes. 

LASL delivers to any address in Latvia, and before delivery establishes contact with the consignee to arrange for a mutually acceptable delivery time. 

Personal packages may be sent to individuals at private addresses. To prepare a package, please obtain a LASL registration form that is in effect as of Oct 2021. On the forms give the complete name, address and telephone of the consignee, and list the items, the quantity and value of the items being sent. The maximum value that we are able to clear for a small package to an individual is 150 euro in value. ( for information on larger shipments please contact us) Such packages typically consist of an assortment of food and hygiene items or some articles of clothing. If clothing or footwear is used, a "garage sale" price may be indicated and the item should be described as "used". Prescription medicines, aspirin or over-the counter medications, vitamins and alcohol and firearms are not to be included in personal packages. Please do not enclose money in the packages. As of October 2021 we kindly ask that the quantity of food items per package be limited to a max of 3 pounds.  Please indicate the true value of each item, stated in EURO currency. To obtain the euro equivalent of USD: $ x .89 = Euro value (Sept 2024 - please see live currency on the top right of this section). 

Costs include: $1.70/lb. (with a minimum charge of $50.00 for the total shipment) plus first box delivery charges of $21 for Riga addresses and $28 for rural addresses. Delivery for each additional box (Riga and rural) is $18. The delivery charge includes Latvian customs clearance and is automatically added to each shipment. As of October 2021 we also assess the import duty and Value Added Tax ( in Latvian referred to as "PVN" )

We also offer special book rates for shipments of books / printed matter to non-profit organizations in Latvia. Rate: $45 per box up to 40 lbs. including delivery from Northeast pickup points and $50 per box up to 40 lbs. from Midwest pickup points. (Boxes exceeding 40 lbs will be charged $1.25 per lb for the additional weight exceeding 40 lbs.) Please kindly address the shipment to the organization and include a contact person's name and telephone number. 
Please go to 'small package service schedule' for a listing of eastern seaboard and midwest package pick-up addresses and dates. Packages may also be sent by UPS/USPS to our warehouse address:

Latvian American Shipping Line
309 Emmet Street
Newark, NJ 07060 USA  (
our address
as of May 2023)

Regulations for shipments of humanitarian aid to institutions differ from personal package shipments. Please contact us for further information on shipments to schools, hospitals, orphanages.

Summary: guidelines for PERSONAL PACKAGE shipments sent by ocean:
LASL will clear customs and deliver packages that conform to the following parameters: (please note that packages that are larger, heavier or more valuable may certainly be shipped, but please contact us about the shipping options!)

  • Max. value of contents per package is 150 euro (approx $167 USD, Sept, 2024)
  • One package per recipient.
  • Max. of four packages per address: (address, for ex: one to husband, one to wife, one to son, one to daughter.
  • Max weight of package is 30 lbs
  • Max dimensions of package: 18” x 18” x 18” (or equivalent cubic volume).
  • We require a completed  and signed shipment registration form  to ship!   Please ensure that form is current ( Oct 2021)
  • You as the shipper will herewith see the following as part of your shipping costs: the ocean freight, customs clearance/delivery AND ( this is new as of Oct 2021): the import duty of 12% plus the VALUE ADDED TAX ( 21%) which is assessed by adding the value of the package plus the tax, and multiplied by .21 
  • If you do not wish to pay the import duty and VAT, please make that known to us so that we can offer you other options for shipping. 
  • (Please note:Any changes to consignee info or contents must be submitted in writing; repacking by LASL of boxes that do not comply with guidelines will result in additional charges)                      **********************************
Questions? Please call Anita at (973) 744-6565 x. 5.

                      e-mail:  or

AID TO UKRAINE shipments:  Fonds "" has provided LASL  with a list of needed items that are sold out or hard to procure in Latvia and Europe. LASL will be accepting donated goods that conform to the Z.LV needs list during the package shipment pick-ups in October 2024.  We will then send them to, where they will be distributed to Ukrainian refugees in Latvia, as well as the civilian population and military in Ukraine. 

To contribute needed items:

1)Please pack your items in an unsealed box or bag, label box with "Z.LV",  and give to the LASL driver, who will weigh your contribution. 

3) You will be charged $.70 per lb for your items. The cost includes delivery to,  Riga. We will sort by commodity,  repack into larger boxes and take care of necessary paperwork.

LIST of needed merchandise,( list renewed as of 11/30/2 4) compiled by  

-Military First Aid kits, or parts thereof, ie:gauze,bandages,etc.  

- *Sleeping bags, new or nearly new       

- Military grade tourniquets ( only US manufactured; Chinese product malfunctions)  

- Infant formula

- Water purification tablets/packets

- Hygiene items: toothpaste/brushes, shampoos, Pampers, tampons, soap, incontinence pads and sheets

- Nutritional supplements, vitamins C and B, melatonin

- Bandages, over-the counter meds

* LASL is also accepting cash donations ( Zelle, check, PayPal payments) to purchase tourniquets and sleeping bags in bulk, which we air freight to, where they are used for civilian and military purposes.  Please call for details: 973 744 6565, or Anita: 201 788 5315.

If you prefer to mail a donation check, please make check out to Latvian American Shipping Line, and in the memo section note: "sleeping bags" or "tourniquets" for "" (One of the largest charitable organizations in Latvia).